3 Quick Savings Tips to Help Set You Up For Financial Success

3 Quick Savings Tips to Help Set You Up For Financial Success

Budgeting isn't necessarily sexy, but it IS peak self-care and should be a key component of your overall self-care routine.

Here are 3 quick savings tips that I absolutely swear by!

*Disclosure: I only endorse things that I personally use and trust. If you make a purchase or sign up for a program/account etc., using one of my links, I may receive a small commission/bonus however, there's no extra cost to you.

  1. If you have separate things to save for, consider having separate savings accounts (remember that tv show where the host had couples/individuals use jars to separate money? Well, same... but digital). You can do this easily by using one of the no-fee banks. Most have high-interest options and even allow you to name your accounts - i.e. gifting, car expenses, vacations, rainy day fund etc. - which makes it super-easy). My top 3 Canadian *recommendations are: Tangerine, Simplii Financial and (if you want to invest, so you earn some extra cash, while saving long-term) Wealth Simple.
  2. Grab my Budget Tracker Worksheet or any other budget tracker to figure out how much you can save realistically, including how much you can save towards each goal.
  3. Set up auto-transfers to happen each time you get paid. That way, you don't have to think about it and you can save on auto-pilot.

Doing this has changed the game for me. I always have the money I need for planned expenses like Christmas and birthdays and I'm building up my rainy day savings consistently.

If you found these tips helpful, please drop a comment and let me know.

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