Water is Life

Water is Life

Black text on a white background with a pink swoosh in the middle. Quote: Water is Life.

Water is so important for our bodies and the world that almost nothing functions properly without it.

I try to drink about 2L (1/2 gallon) per day. How about you, how much are you drinking? Do you even know? Tell me in the comments.👇

If you need to drink more, here are 5 easy tips to help you get enough throughout your day. 

Kitchen sink background with text graphic: 5 ways to drink more water.

P.S. While most of us can just turn on the tap, more than 660 MILLION people in the world don't have a clean water supply close to their homes. #WorldWaterDay is March 22, 2021. Visit https://www.un.org/en/observances/water-day to learn more about this crisis.

Muddy water background with a text graphic.

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