Give Back Program

Here at Brown-Eyed Naturals Co, we care about our local, national and global communities.

Among other things, God has commissioned us to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned (Matthew 25:42-43).

We take that commission to heart by walking the walk instead of just talking the talk, by giving of our time and other resources whenever and wherever we can.

Each year, we'll focus on a different issue because let's face it, there are so many in the world.

For 2022, we've committed to donating 10% of the proceeds from each sale to Maranatha Volunteers International's Water Wells Program. Although they're not a water organization, they're drilling and maintaining wells to provide clean drinking water to communities around the world including  Brazil, Zambia, India, Kenya, and Côte d'Ivoire.

Help by purchasing from our store HERE.

To put the importance of water into perspective, here are some stats from the *World Health Organization (WHO).

  • 785 million people live without even a basic drinking-water service (144 million depend on surface water).
  • Globally, 2 billion+ people use a drinking water source contaminated with feces (poop). Contaminated water transmits diseases such diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio and it's estimated to cause 485 000  deaths annually.
  • By 2025, 1/2 the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas.
  • In least developed countries, 22% of health care facilities don't have a dependable water service.

"The issue of safe, accessible drinking water is very near and dear to my heart. In my early years, I lived in areas where water wasn't always readily accessible by just turning on the tap. When it was running, we made sure to catch and store as much as we could in whatever sealable containers we could find. When we ran out, we sometimes walked 30 or more minutes each way, bringing it home in buckets etc. While that was definitely not an ideal situation, at least the water was clean and safe for us to use. I'm so grateful to now be in a situation where I can open a tap and get what I need. I don't take that for granted and I want to help others have that opportunity as well."

-Lauren Phillips | Founder, Brown-Eyed Naturals Co


*Taken from the World Health Organization (WHO) Drinking Water Key facts page. Published June 24, 2019